Tuesday 27 March 2012

Based in Edinburgh, I am a novice breeder of these stunning birds. This picture is one of my clear hens who is now sitting on three eggs. Fingers crossed for a successful outcome.

I have kept birds, on and off, all my life and was always amazed at the style of the Scotch Fancy. It is like an arrow and they are fast, nervy birds but quite stunning when in full song.

I am disappointed that there seem to be very few known breeders and, after a gap of many years from the fancy that there seem to be very few clubs active in Scotland any more. I am keen to meet other fanciers who specialise in this breed which was at one time close to extinction but which seems to be undergoing a revival.

I have been discovering how to care for them and most recently have stumbled on what they will eat as softfood. It sounds rather old fashioned but they have no interest in dried egg food but are keen on hardboiled egg and defrosted frozen peas and soaked seed. Along with a grape - red not white - this seems to have them eating merrily.

I do not have any outside space where I live so they are housing in a north facing room which is cool but light. I had had them in a south facing room but the heat was not good for them.

I'd be delighted to hear from any other breeders of Scotch Fancies most especially in the Lothian area but worldwide will do fine too.

I have currently two hens sitting on three eggs each - all due to hatch early April. I'll keep this updated with my progres which is full of hope tempered with caution!

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